September 15, 2024 RomaniaEnglishRussia

The future of natural gas in the EU’s 2050 Green Deal transition

Asociatia Energia Inteligenta invites you to a timely online discussion about the future of natural gas in the EU’s Green Deal transition


The future of natural gas in the EU’s 2050 Green Deal transition

16th February 2021

10:00 – 11:00 EET (09:00 – 10:00 CET)

To register:

Watch live at:

Europe plans to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, having already set itself a 55% target to cut greenhouse gas emissions below the 1990 level in the upcoming decade.

To achieve this goal, it will have to undergo major changes, but a concrete roadmap is yet to be thrashed out.

Much is currently discussed about a vision that would shift the focus onto renewable forms of generation and non-polluting fuels such as green hydrogen. 

But what exactly would such a vision entail for the role of natural gas as a transition fuel and how should Eastern Europe prepare to meet the economic, social and political challenges that may emerge as the EU strives to meet its Green Deal targets?

Asociatia Energia Inteligenta has invited Dr James Watson, secretary general of Eurogas and Dr Aura Sabadus, senior journalist at I.C.I.S, to address these timely questions and open a much-needed regional debate about ongoing transformations.

The discussion will be the first in a series of monthly virtual round tables analysing the challenges and opportunities facing the natural gas sector.

James Watson – Secretary General of Eurogas, a role he has held since January 2019. He holds a PhD in International Trade and Environmental Law from the University of Leeds and is currently a Visiting Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Eurogas is an association representing gas wholesale, retail and distribution sectors in relation to relevant EU institutions. The aim of Eurogas is to strengthen the role of gas in a sustainable and competitive EU energy market.

Aura Sabadus – is a senior energy journalist specialising in Eastern European and Turkish gas markets and works for ICIS, a global petrochemicals and energy news and data provider based in London, UK. She holds a PhD in International Relations from King’s College London and has contributed specialist articles to international academic or professional publications.

ORGANISERS:  Asociatia Energia Inteligenta brings together professionals in the gas, hydrogen, electricity and energy efficiency sectors. AEI is a non-profit organization whose main goal is to inform all categories of gas and electricity consumers. AEI is and will remain a dialogue partner for all market participants.
